Having trouble getting your system to work? Or need troubleshooting? UAS can help. We have provided UAV technical services to civilian, academe and even government customers.
Training / Operator School:
We can provide training to a wide variety of commercial and ‘open-source’ autopilot systems. From basic systems integration of autopilot systems, mission planning, pre-flight checklists, flight planning and management, in-flight commands and recovery/landing procedures. UAS also provides basic R/C training, both in computer simulator and actual R/C flying at our flight training areas.
You can count on professional UAV / UAS / RPAS training with almost a decade of industry experience. We teach basic foundations of unmanned flight to systems integration.
UAS also provides maintenance services for your small UAV. With our fully equipped R/C and electronics workshop, we would be able to get your UAV up and running for your next flight. Ranging from airframe integrity-checks to electronics and electrical systems diagnostics.
If there are problems with your UAV airframe or autopilot system. UAS can help you diagnose and fix the problem for you. For more technical problems, such as damaged autopilot or electronics systems – we can contact the manufacturer and coordinate repairs or RMA options for you.
UAS closely follows the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) standards for all our training, integration and operations.